Posted on 02/21/2009 6:02:17 PM PST by DogByte6RER
White liberals are particularly racist and thus particularly subject to white guilt. They transfer it to their white conservative neighbors of course, and some of them go yet wobbly and turn RINO, and so on until the American man and woman turns so little as to become insignificant.
I have heard tapes of white homosexual comedians, and the thing were filled with racist disgusting “jokes”, and the false taped audience’s laughs made it look like you and I were part of it. Another aspect of media manipulation lays right there, cameras and microphones exagerating and manipulating things for the sake of corruption to keep wanting its free favors from the hard working.
I think you are absolutely correct.
It’s the pro-homogeneity language (”anti-homophobic”), making those who criticize homosexuality, incest, inbreeding or black or white racial self righteousness as to be racists.
I'm so ashamed...
Amazing << Hear this. Feel this, and tell me that this isn't music.
Hey Barack HUSSEIN Obama, I went to Harvard too! That was the worst fieldtrip of my life, but I went there...
One thing about Hillary she knows when to play her cards or fold. If she was a Republican she would be the President.
Race never enters my mind or those of my friends and family except on those occasions that it’s brought up by those whose entire fibre of life seems embedded in racial thought. It looks to me that Holder needs to get out of the 60s mentality and not see a racist under every bed and behind every tree. Most of us have moved on as should be obvious from the results of this last election and sucess of blacks in every corner of society. Holder’s remarks are certainly not constructive and appear to be at odds with Obama’s own wish to unite our country and not divide it.
And you are right, calling us racist is only one of 52 trump race cards in the deck ahyphenas come equipped with. Ain't nothing new about that.
Wow! Mike should never take on Himself!
Wow! I didn’t know Freeman had that much sense. I thought he was another usual-black-liberal.
I LOVE how Wallace squirms in discomfort when he asks which month is his! LOL
And then as if to remove himself from the discussion, Wallace states that he’s Jewish (so I don’t need to be involved...?). LOL
Does Holder have a brother named Dick?
No, his brother's name is Peter.
“I definitely would like to ask Mr. Holder: Is Chris Rock right ? “
It depends on what the meaning of ‘is’ is.
Im not a coward ....lets discuss the the racist jury that set OJ Simpson free even though he committed 2 vicious murders.
That's how I tell my children to refer to themselves, if anyone wants to know their ancestry. "Say, I'm an American of (fill in the blank) descent." People call that PC, but I say it's accurate. That's what my father taught me to say.
He is showing his ignorance...again! Maybe he should practice what he preaches!
Glad you shared that video. I never saw it. I’m going to look for the rest of the interview. Freeman sounds like he gets it, which isn’t surprising, considering all the flack he’s received from the Left for doing certain movies.
what does that mean
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