That's exactly what they're counting on. Our "Community Organizer in Chief" has his troops all lined up and ready to hit the streets. We chumps are sitting back while they empty our pockets because we're not "organized".
Freepers seem to be pretty well dumping on this idea (though I wish they would read the post first).
So come up with something else. This won't change unless we can get a nationwide revolt going on. They don't care what we long as we keep paying for their programs.
I, for one, would be willing to hold back money and face possible penalties. But if we organize we can use the same language the libs use. There was no transparency. This isn't what Obama ran on. Your spending our grandchildren's money. You're punishing those who "work hard and play by the rules". Blah blah blah. We'll find some good conservative lawyers to demand hearings on Capitol Hill, backed up by conservative senators (like mine, Jeff Sessions). I know it's a pipedream, but hey! That's how the libs get what they want!
We need to use Reid’s words: Paying taxes is VOLUNTARY