The Obamoron and the Dems may be baskiing in the afterglow of a huge sexual act on the American people, but I wonder how they will react by mid-late summer when most of America realizes that the economy is still in the tank and that Porkzilla hasn’t changed a thing.
Unemployed Americans will probably still be unemployed and their numbers will still be growing as more businesses are forced to cut back and lay off.
This isn’t over by a long shot. IMO, the Obamanites will turn a deaf ear when the Dems blame everything on the ‘Pubbies because they’ll look at the makeup of the Congress and the WH and see them filled with Democrats. The Obamoron over-promised and will under-deliver. The idiot class that believes that Obama will pay their mortgage, buy their gas and give them a government issued credit card worth $3,000 or $6,000 expect him to deliver and, when he doesn’t, it won’t be pretty.
I agree and you make good points. I think it's going to get ugly and BHO isn't a good enough talker to convince people that doubt him, he convinced people before the election that were in love with him. He won't have that luxury later this year, IMO.
Your very close to what I was thinking too. Obama’s porker bill certainly makes it look like the dim’s think the economy will recover on it’s own because the porkulus sure doesn’t do much to help. If the economy doesn’t recover and IMO it won’t for a long time, it will look like the dim’s fiddled while Rome burned.
“This isnt over by a long shot. IMO, the Obamanites will turn a deaf ear when the Dems blame everything on the Pubbies because theyll look at the makeup of the Congress and the WH and see them filled with Democrats. The Obamoron over-promised and will under-deliver. The idiot class that believes that Obama will pay their mortgage, buy their gas and give them a government issued credit card worth $3,000 or $6,000 expect him to deliver and, when he doesnt, it wont be pretty.”
Au contraire. See my comment about big cities.