Homeowners in Australia are encouraged to defend their own homes from fire. It’s not just something they are allowed to do, but something they are encouraged to do - either leave as soon as the threat arises and go to a place or safety, or stay and defend.
“Homeowners in Australia are encouraged to defend their own homes from fire.”
Perhaps, the hapless (and helpless) goobers in the Aussie gooberment are blabbering that line NOW - but for decades, they refused permission to do controlled burns, brush removal, tree cutting, etc.
GangGreen bureaucrats in the Aussie agencies caused this debacle. IMHO, they should be jailed at hard labor for the rest of their unnatural lives.
Better yet, organ bank ‘em with the proceeds going to those whose families and homes were destroyed by the callously deliberate endangerment consequential to GangGreen agenda based policies.
Let there be consequences for such behavior and it will stop.
If not, then not.
I read where Australia government told Islam they would abide by the laws or get out. Not true?
Are they there legally? I also read moving to Australia you had to be self sufficient and not needing government help. One couple was almost denied residency because of their downs syndrome child.