I have just been in phone contact with both the RNC and the RNSC (National Republican Senatorial Commettee) regarding campaign funding for Collins, Snowe, and Specter. The RNC directed me to the RNSC regarding matters pertaining to the distribution of funds to the various senators. I suggested that the RNSC communicate to the senators today the ultimatum that if they voted for this Porkulus bill, they would not get any campaign funds next election. The RNSC spokesperson said she would pass my concerns on to John Cornyn (Chairman of the RNSC), but not necessarily today. I expressed my dissatisfaction with this response and asked if they had received any other calls on this subject, and she said, “no.”
I find this hard to beleive......can it be true they have received no calls on this subject?
Been busy looking at other events. Can you post the phone# to the RNSC.
That’s crap.. I have called and faxed RNSC.
If you need their fax number just let me know ;-)
Call Conryn directly?