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To: mojitojoe

If you think Jr thinks only of the black race you are correct and as far back as 1995 that was written about, not including his fairytale. Read this article from 1995 and Jr hasn’t changed one bit.

Also I am sure Columbia College would be interested in hearing that Jr graduated from there with a double major in Political Science AND English Lit!

394 posted on 02/15/2009 8:35:26 PM PST by Chief Engineer
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To: Chief Engineer

Excellent article Chief. I read it 3 times. This man has some deep seated mental problems. We are in deep trouble with him in the WH. He has a one track mind. That’s why he’s already bored at the WH. he couldn’t care less about foreign affairs. He has one agenda and the rest can go to hell for all he cares.
He is going to set racial relations back 50 years. It’s already starting. I found many of the commenters made some excellent points. I wonder what many of them are saying now, since these were made 4 months ago. How right they were:

This guy can say nothing more eloquently than anyone I’ve ever seen. The Dems are about to nominate a community activist. He is a divider not a uniter. He is a partisan not a maverick. He is a hater not a lover. He is the polar opposite of what he claims to be.

The people he denounces - Mayor Daley and big business - have done far more for the people than any of his communities. The man he speaks of most admiringly - Harold Washington - was a terrible and ineffectual mayor. Obama’s narcissism prevents him from seeing these obvious truths.

So he helped Mosely Braun’s election. Great. His judgment is already in question regarding the folks he reveres and takes as mentors and contributors. Alan Dixon was a really good man; and Mosely Braun, who was cashing her mom’s welfare checks while the old lady was in a State-paid nursing home, and who let taxpayers fund her boyfriend’s trips to Africa with her was just the type of pol he purports NOT to admire. Sorry, but his emphasis on collectivism has turned me off entirely.

If a white politician spoke repeatedly of working with pastors in white neighborhoods to ensure that whites get “their share”, which he insists they are currently denied. If a white politician spoke of the need for long-lasting institutions to be created beyond the temporal excitement created by a politician who furthered the power of the race to which he belonged, and the need for real change to be initiated after the conclusion of such marches in which he’d participated as one led by Lester Maddox (a rough equivalent to Louis Farrakhan and his Million Man March), would you really be writing, “He wants to be the president for all Americans?”

His role as community organizer was merely to further the material standards of blacks and Hispanics merely in the community he resided - unfortunately that’s wholly different than an elected official’s position to look out for the concerns of his state or nation at large - he doesn’t see the difference.

E.g., when he speaks of anti-Semitic statements not doing the job of lifting black communities - do you get a sense of outrage at the existence of anti-Semitic statements? I don’t. Again, if a white politician spoke of anti-black statements not doing the job for the frustrated ambitions of poor whites - shouldn’t we feel umbrage at such a nonchalant reference to the existence of such bigotry?

Obama is a socialist, plain and simple. He eschews individualism, calling it a “myth” that individual effort and hard work can allow people to work their way out of poverty — while evading the fact that millions of people, black and white, have done precisely that.

No, instead, he wants to offer blacks an alternative to the notion that they must work for a living; he wants to promise them a “share of the pie” — a pie they did not produce, by the way — to be achieved by “collective action”. Translation: if enough of us stick together and become a big enough block of voters, then we can get government to further loot the taxpayers and give us more of their earnings.

That is all Obama is promising: more of the same government looting that has been on the rise for decades. Obama is not a candidate of change; Obama is a candidate of “staying the course” on the march to socialism in America.

Obama is half white (American mother) and half black (Kenyan father) - correct? He was raised by his white mother and white grandparents.
Why does he only identify himself as a black man? Why has he forgotten the heritage of his white mother?

Obama became involved in politics to advance black people...This article shows that clearly.. If you want to know how Obama really feels inside study J. Wright’s sermons. Obama is like Satan.. he promises everyone everything but gives nothing and will take everything

This entire article confirms what many have suspected all along. Obama is a SOCIALIST. He eschews the individual and favors the collective. It’s pretty obvious what “collective” he favors. That is why he was so drawn to the racist hate monger, Jeremiah Wright.

Never once has Obama ever spoken about personal responsibility. Never once do you ever hear him speak of the very black problem of out of wedlock births in that community that cause the majority of the black communities problems.

To him socialism is the answer. Take from those who are productive to those who live grievance lifestyles.

This guy is dangerous. He will be the most racially divisive man in the history of this country if people are insane enough to elect him. He will be a one term failure of a president that is for sure. If he does get to the White House, he will guarantee no other black person is ever elected president for at least two generations.

I won’t even bother getting into the failure and total weakness he would represent on a foreign policy front.

If Obama was white, he would have been eliminated in the early primaries. He offers nothing but larger government taking from those who have earned and giving it to those who do nothing to help themselves. He offers nothing but the failure of socialism. Most people are idiots. The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

Obama has never run anything larger than his senate office staff. This country will be in for much larger disaster than the Jimmy Carter years where Carter weakened this country abroad and at home gave us 17% interest rates.

Obama spells failure for this country.

Obama’s wife hates this country. Obama also hates his country. He wouldn’t have stayrd friends with rabid racists and hate mongers like Jeremiah Wright if he actually loved this country.

If anything the Obama campaign is showing America that “Black Liberation Theology” is nothing but pure hatred. No different than the KKK.

Collectivism is a cornerstone of communist thought. Do what is better first for the State, then the individual. The constitution is based on the individual, not the State. Quoting Obama in this article:”The political debate is now so skewed, so limited, so distorted,” said Obama. “People are hungry for community; they miss it. They are hungry for change.

“In America,” Obama says, “we have this strong bias toward individual action. You know, we idolize the John Wayne hero who comes in to correct things with both guns blazing. But individual actions, individual dreams, are not sufficient. We must unite in collective action, build collective institutions and organizations.The right wing talks about this but they keep appealing to that old individualistic bootstrap myth: get a job, get rich, and get out. Instead of investing in our neighborhoods, that’s what has always happened. Our goal must be to help people get a sense of building something larger”. If you wish to take a major turn toward communism vote for the BIG O!

I thoroughly understand the injustice that has been given to blacks over the last 400 years. What I don’t understand is why does everyone want the government to take care of them. Have we become so lazy that as long as we have TV/Alcohol/ and Sex we are content. I will tell ALL OF YOU one thing, if you Congress and the President decide what is best for you then you are doomed to be SLAVES. A persons race will not matter.

When a left winger criticizes “John Wayne individualism” he’s speaking code for “Everything inside the State; nothing outside the State,” Mussolini’s slogan for Fascism. If you want to see a real attack on the Constitution -— not the mere piddling stuff Bush has been accused of -— just elect Barack Obama to the presidency. His “collective” vision wants everything you’ve got, starting with your liberty.

For blacks living in Chicago’s South Side, how has Obama improved things? Has he provided more jobs? Is unemployment down? Is crime down? Are high school graduation rates up?

The Government has had this “war on poverty” for what, 40 years now? If you ain’t out of poverty yet, you ain’t never gonna be. Stay in school, stop having baby mamas, stop selling and using drugs, drinking, get a job, work your way up, become middle class. Viola!

Riddle me this..
Michelle Obama has spoken of how they know what its like trying to make ends meet these days. Gee, she makes over $300,000.00 a year and then whatever he makes from his books and job. Shame on me... here I was feeling frustrated making less than $20,000.00 while my male counterparts make closer to $30,000.00 a year.

For those having trouble doing the math:
Obama is 50% Caucasian,43.25% Arabic and 6.25% African Negro. So actually rather than the first African American he is really the first Arabic American to be elected president.

The African American community really are only voting for him because of the color of his skin.

It appears he’s ashamed of his Arabic heritage. Why else would cling to his 6.25% African Negro heritage.
“The right wing, the Christian right, has done a good job of building these organizations of accountability, much better than the left or progressive forces have. But it’s always easier to organize around intolerance, narrow-mindedness, and false nostalgia. And they also have hijacked the higher moral ground with this language of family values and moral responsibility.”

Wow, calling the Christian Church, which he claimed to be espoused for so many years, “Intolerant and narrow-minded.” I guess we are seeing his true colors here. Someone who was an activist and a member of various organizations for the sole purpose of higher office. This brings me back to what I have always wondered about this man, what does he truly believe?

“In America,” Obama says, “we have this strong bias toward individual action. You know, we idolize the John Wayne hero who comes in to correct things with both guns blazing. But individual actions, individual dreams, are not sufficient. We must unite in collective action, build collective institutions and organizations.”

I believe that is the same rhetoric used by Lenin, Stalin, Mussolini and Castro. Destroy the individual desire for achievement and rely on the government to take care of you. This guy is pure Marxist to the core and always has been. God help us as the other choice is marginally better. Sad to think in 2008 this is the best the USA has to offer.

Great - so he wants to improve the ghetto - but what about everyone else? He talks of change and uniting a divided nation, but all he writes about is helping our African American communities. How can I possibly give him my vote when he’s so obviously motivated to concentrate his efforts on one demographic? I’m not black and I don’t live in the ghetto, but I’m also not a rich white person living in the suburbs either. I need someone who has EVERYONE’s interests in mind. I too feel the squeeze every time I stop at the gas pump, or go to the grocery store. But I’m still considered “middle-class” (although I’d like them to see my checking account balance at the end of each month), so my taxes are raised to fund more social programs to help those who are struggling during these hard economic times. What I want to know is, where’s MY help?

Do you realize he is poised to support and fulfill all of Planned Parenthood’s agenda? The same organization who took calls for donations to “kill black babies” and didn’t even bat an eye? Who puts centers up in black low-income areas so they can continue to kill black babies at an alarming rate? Do you realize he supports partial birth abortion, where they pull a viable baby backwards out of the mother (except the head), stick a tube in its head, suction out its brains, crush the skull and THEN deliver it? He also rejects the born-alive protection act, where babies who actually survive an abortion are not left to die in linen closets? What kind of human being could truly believe that a civilized society could support such monstrous acts? No matter how smooth his tongue is, his inhumanity towards ‘the least of these’ speaks volumes to me, and drowns out his eloquent rhetoric.

As a resident of Hawaii for 42 and a Haole or White male,as is the racially motivated term used here, I am amazed that BHO had such difficulty at a local elitist school like Punahou. If he had attended Iolani another elitist school of a different racial make up he would have known just how racial things can get in this wonderful melting pot of humanity. It is beyond me how anyone can fall for this Used Car Salesman! Haven’t they observed what has and is still happening in the Southside of Chicago? All of the US Government money that is dumped into this area under the guise of helping the poor. The result is what BHO saw in Djakarta but on a larger scale. This money goes to make the elite blacks rich, and BHO is one of them who has gained his power and riches on the backs of the very same people he continues to say he is helping. And as President, a lot of your money and mine will end up in his pocket and the pockets of his friends.

Senator Compassion voted to kill a baby who survives an abortion in Illinois Senate in the transcript, and if it does not send chills down your spine you are not human. Fast forward to 2008 when he said he doesn’t want his daughters “punished by a baby”...of course, that would be his grandchild he’s talking about! Obama is a wild-eyed ideologue who said his first act will to sign the Freedom of Choice Act which will permit the federal govt to fund all abortions on demand, and then Obama will raise all of our taxes to pay for it. Get ready for the nanny state of the God-less One

Obama is a: a) collectivist, b) fascist,or c)socialist? Take your pick. Our great country was not founded on any of the above political theories. Inquire, research, question, learn; leave the ‘herd’ mentality behind. I am reading ‘The Audacity of Hope’ so I am learning what Obama stands for..... (collectivism) and it scares me!!!

Obama is good at expressing what he would like to see happen in the “communities”, but doesn’t say where the money to do this will come from. Does anyone else but me wonder how immigrants of all races come here, most not even speaking the language, learn the language and economic system and within a matter of years buy their own home, yet our own citizens will not avail themselves of the same resources and work ethics these foreign immigrants have proven are a recipe for success?

Obama, like all Marxists attempt to fan the flames of class envy. For all the intellect he clearly has, he fails to see that it is better to guarantee equal opportunity to compete, not guarantee outcome without competition. Societies always benefit from the fruits of those who struggle and suffer from supporting those who are capable of effort, but refuse to do so.
make no mistake about this barack obama II is all about barack obama II. but as much as he loves to hear himself, michelle is ‘the MAN’.what’s going on with those ‘health club stopovers’?

AND WHERE IS THE DAMN BIRTH CERTIFICATE BOMMA BOY?? Let’s see those medical records too, the ones you refused to release. You want our medical records, fine, right after we see yours and NO SCRUBBING them first since that seems to be the only thing you are good at.

452 posted on 02/16/2009 12:21:28 AM PST by mojitojoe (None are more hopelessly enslaved, as those who falsely believe they are free.)
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