“how about
not a great president?”
Deo Vindice.
LeoWindhorse, despite the media frenzy surrounding Lincoln, you make a most excellent point. There seems to be an absence of reporting about the harm he did.
Lincoln ushered in a prolonged era of Federalism
and we can see where that has taken us today .
No other U.S. President went to such lengths
to reach out and so utterly crush another segment
of the American people ,as did Old Abe.
No other single enemy has had the blood of so many
Americans on his hands , Union and CSA .
Not the Nazi , not the Imperial Japanese , not the
Soviets , not commies of any ilk , not the Jihadists
Only Abe Lincoln can lay claim to that fact .
I see his shrine in D.C. as dripping with Southern blood.
Sorry , no one can ever change that perception .