cor·po·rate (kôrpr-t, kôrprt)
1. Formed into a corporation; incorporated: the corporate companies of industrial America.
2. Of or relating to a corporation: corporate assets; corporate culture.
3. United or combined into one body; collective.
4. Of or relating to a corporative government or political system.
"For wherever two or more are gathered in my name, there am I in the midst of them." --Matthew 18:20"
...Indeed, "corporate" comes from "corpus" (body; i.e. hoc est corpus meum). Through the body of Christ (incarnate and sacramental; Rom. 6; I Cor. 11-12; ) the body of Christ (mystical) is created. Thus "when one member of the body suffers, all suffer" (I Cor. 12:26)....
1 John 4:4-5
4 You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them,because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.
"Corporate" is in fact synonymous with collective.
Oh, now you want to use the other definition, not the one you started with (1./2. from your dictionary post)
How pathetically juvenile.
If we combine your new argument with your old, you must conclude that, because it is "Corporate", the "Corporate body of Christ" is "Collectivist" and therefore "Communist", since you have equated the three terms.