Well, they sure seem to be high on something.
Shaking my head again.
The love of this guy rivals the love of another guy who promised that his government would solve the people’s problems. It was that little guy with the little mustache....
Everyday it seems to look more and more like Germany in 1933. The unbridled, sycophantic near-hysteria among the youth for Barry is terrifying.
Is this a trick question?
This is no surprise from “The People’s Republic of Boulder”.
They aren’t “high”, they’re just plain wacky in that
county. I don’t know how conservatives can stand it living
among those freaks.
It takes a lot more than symbolism to make a competent CIC, kid.
“Barack Obama High”. Hmmmm. A tribute to the days when he used cocaine? Oh, didn’t he say he quit?
These little morons will be throwing away all their high school memorabilia in about 10 years when they find out that they have to pay for their massa’s Porkulus blunder. Let them name their school for Obama. The joke is on them.
Sounds communist.
Communists will be dealt with.
The stupidents didn’t by any change want to rename their school Herbert Hoover High during the thirties, did they?
The stupidents didn’t by any chance want to rename their school Herbert Hoover High during the thirties, did they?
Their generation apparently is hoping for a lower standard of living.
I wouldn’t want to go to a high school with that name.
Nor live in a town that had one.
Nor live in a state that had one.
Hell, let’s just say nation and be done with it.
Was “Gullible Serfs in Eternal Thrall to a Foreign-Born Usurping Communist High” already taken?
Members of the activist club "Student Worker" are calling on students to leave class every Thursday at 8:30 a.m. when the pledge is recited over the intercom and rally in the courtyard to say a revised version of the pledge.
Club President Emma Martens, who's leading the protest, wrote this new version: "I pledge allegiance to the flag and my constitutional rights with which it comes. And to the diversity, in which our nation stands, one nation, part of one planet, with liberty, freedom, choice and justice for all."
The Slumber Party Inside the Boulder High School sleep-in Published on January 19, 2006
So, when dissenters across the nation were protesting President Bush's re-election, Moe and fellow members of the 10-student-strong activist group Student Worker held a rally/sleep-in in Boulder High School's library on November 4 to oppose Bush's policies, the national debt, military recruitment in schools, disregard for the environment and, more importantly, to prove to the nation that they weren't just a bunch of horny teenagers.
Student Worker has in the past voiced its concerns about standardized statewide student-assessment testing and the U.S. Marines' setting up a recruitment table in the school library.
Here’s an idea for a bumpersticker, which I am giving away free:
Here’s the beauty part. You can use an actual Soetoro campaign sticker for the upper part. People will think you are a Soetoro supporter, until they get a little closer.
I guess already taken names were....
Karl Marx HS
Joe Stalin HS
Eugene Debs HS
Hugo Chavez HS
Che Guevara HS