Those don’t sound like any comments that Rush has ever made.
This is a classic trick question. Kind of like “Have you stopped beating your wife?” The better way to handle this is to have the person making the claim that Rush said this, prove it. Have him provide actual source material.
Are those actual quotes, or lib talking points (made up)?
First thing I’d do is ask them to provide the dates when he allegedly made these statements, as well as documentation. For all youknow, these folks just made ‘em up when they started typing. They claim he said these things, they have to provide some proof.
I call complete BS. If you can show links to these quotes, fine, otherwise — see ya, troll!
I have to agree, I’m not a 15 year Rush listener, but those don’t sound like things he would have said. Maybe one of them.
Isn’t it easier to just say “OK, so he’s a racist. So what?”. Then link them to: has a piece on the bone and Jesse Jackson quotes. They acknowledge all evidence is anecdotal, but state that it has been widely reported and Rush hasn’t denied it and in fact acknowledged feeling badly about the “bone” quote, so they “mark it” as true (for whatever that is worth). Probably should note that those comments were made in the 1970s on a show Rush Limbaugh was hosting as a disc jockey, not a commentator.
Take any of those remarks IN context, and no debunking is necessary.
One you did miss:
I like “Barrack the Magic Negro” - except Rush didn't make it up - a liberal columnist at the LA Times did.
Mr. “Snerdly” is black and hasn’t talked to TMZ or one of those rags about how Rush does drugs or whatever. He seems very loyal and that has to come from some where...
how do we know this thread is not a fake in order to spread the urban legend?
this should be deleted as a “no thanks”
These quotes, and make him prove they are actual quotes, are not by Rush, and if they are they are taken out of context. Rush doesn’t say things like that. Make this turkey send you a transcript of the program, either audio or written and then confront him. He won’t be able to send you one. This is a typical lib trick, ascribe dialogue to people that is untrue and make you go on the defensive. Turn it around on him and make him prove Rush actually said these things and in what context.
You cannot argue about racism in a one sided argument. The person you wre arguing with is convinced and nothing you can say or do will convince him/her. Dont waste your time you will only get in deeper.
I agree with the former poster who said get this person to show you proof Rush said those things. I personally dont believe he did.
So when did you stop beating your wife?
LOL. Why are you wasting time on this?
This whole new Rush is a Racist thing is going to backfire bigtime....
Step one: Don’t get into “debates” with idiots and liars, as you did. You can’t win, since your opponent is lying. Call him a liar, demand he produce proof, and forget him.