dissing your VP isn’t really too smart, no matter how bad the VP may be .. HE chose him, in his first executive decision as the candidate of the party.
He’s self delusional. Now he’s going on about entitlements while this new spending spree takes us right back to the Great Society welfare state. Tragic and comical at the same time.
dissing your VP isnt really too smart, no matter how bad the VP may be .. HE chose him, in his first executive decision as the candidate of the party.
Ya think the media might ask Obama how come he didn’t properly vet Joe Biden..they had no issue with asking John McCain time after time about Sarah Palin
“Consider charter schools in the classroom?” WTH? Does he know what a charter school is?
He is SOOOOOOOOOOO all over the place. He is making a complete ass of himself.
He is making Biden look and sound coherent. Now THAT is scary.
When I wrote to my senators (for all the good it will do) about the stimulus bill, I also suggested revisiting the GS programs that have created a dependent society within our lifetimes. A huge swath of the budget goes to those programs year after year, decade after decade, without question, and with precious little to show for the trillions spent.