==Yes, transcribed from DNA that is more similar between humans and chimps than between chimps and gorillas.
When I say genome, I mean both the coding and non-coding sequences.
==It seems that it is your claim that this RNA after being transcribed from DNA that is more similar between humans and chimps, is then spliced and diced such that it would be more similar between chimps and gorillas.
All I know is the ENCODE says that each segment of code can produce five, seven or more functionally different transcripts. It stands to reason, then, that identical segments of the code can be used for very different purposes with respect to the great apes and humans. As such, I am predicting that they are going to find that these transcripts are one of the main reasons why chimps are more similar to the other great apes than humans in terms of body plan and functional needs.
==it is also a far cry from your assertion that the DNA similarity between humans and chimps being greater than ether’s similarity with gorillas was a logical impossibility and B.S....Holy moving goal posts Batman!
Not at all. I was speaking about the entire genome, not just the linear sequence of DNA. I find it interesting that you wait until now to draw such a distinction. Could it be that you have realized that I am on to something and you are trying to weasel out of your own reductionist position to save yourself from future emarrassment?
==Are you now willing to admit that my assertion that humans and chimps are more similar in DNA than either is to a gorilla is not B.S. or a logical impossibility but a clear fact based upon the data?
I already said that it is clear that their linear DNA sequences are more similar, but added that doesn’t mean much because each segment of the non-translated regions can produce five, seven or even more functionally different transcripts. Thus, the near identical linear DNA sequences of chimps and humans can produce vastly different results in terms of body plan and functional needs.
You claim that this is all accomplished by the same genetic code. I have long predicted that there are codes upon codes (and even perhaps within codes) that cause these phenotype/functional differences within the genome/epigenome of chimps and humans. And I am quite confident that my prediction will be vindicated with further research.
If you were speaking “of the entire genome” you are still wrong. The human and chimp genome are more similar to each other than either is to the gorilla genome.
So you DO admit that when looking at “linear DNA” (do you not understand that ALL DNA is linear?) humans and chimps are more similar to each other than either is to a gorilla.
So you agree that when I stated exactly that and you said “I call B.S.” that it was YOU who was incorrect.
Wow. Progress. GGG finally, after much grousing, evasion, and quibbling; finally admits that the statement he said was “B.S.” was correct; but only about “linear DNA”. LOL.
All DNA is linear.
Only RNA transcripts are cut and pasted from different sections of the genome.