I hope Collins Snowe and Specter feel very cold and lonely tonight.
HOW DARE they even be sitting around playing poker over a $900 BILLION DOLLAR pork package.
Do they really believe the people of Maine and Pennsylvania want to BET ONE TRILLION of their children’s future tax dollars on programs to build water parks in Miami, build even more empty schools for Milwaukee, paint bridges, change light bulbs, and paint childcare centers in Georgia?
For those who are trying to call senators & getting busy signals, just keep hitting redial - you’ll eventually get through. It’s kind of like a radio contest but without the pressure of having to be the nth caller (but with a lot more at stake).
Since my NY senators are pretty much worthless, I called Collins & Specter so I’d have a shot at making a difference. It took about 10 minutes to get through to Specter’s office. I called Collins at around 9:30 AM, and got right through. (I gave Gillibrand a call too, on the off chance she still has a small portion of upstate common sense left in her - took less than 5 minutes to get through.)