And, all Federal offices to operate 24/7 until this Economic War is won!
Wasn’t there some type of money going to ACORN?
Why no mention about striking that from the bill?
I am not going to call the young people stupid, but they are almost totally uneducated about history, culture, money, the world view, or a view of life......
silly in a word.....
why did they get this way?.....the "education" gave them mush and now that's all they know...mush......
when I grew up, the nuns and lay teachers made it their business to talk about the world, about culture, about history......all day long and in every subject, some relevant observation about the world would be you grew up with a sense of the world, and of purpose...and of goals...
this so-called "diversity" hasn't made these kids more diverse at all....infact, their little bitty minds seem to be shut to the REALITIES of life......
Coburn gave as good a speech as you’ll ever hear on the floor of the Senate today. No teleprompter, from the heart. I just watched it on c-span, delayed.