To: libh8er; Braak
This fool is going to destroy is destroying this country. Just that his voters haven't seen it yet. Or they don't care.
They don't care as long as they get their freebies and the gravy train keeps on rolling. I just want to cry at times or just go to the nearest wall and punch a hole in it, that's how sick I am over this dang Zero in the White House. If I could push a button to restart 2008 and the election over again with different people, I'd do it. With very few exceptions like one special friend I don't discuss politics with, anybody that voted for him can go to Hell. I am very angry at all the sheeple out there. Even my mother weeped and cried on inauguration day. I'm glad I was working, otherwise I would have started.
If there is ever an atomic war and when the survivors pick up the pieces, I certainly hope Zero's name will be on the most hated list with Pol Pot, Adolph Hitler, Benedict Arnold and Vikdun Quisling and it will be taught to all the kids, along with "McGuffy's Reader." I hope when children are bad in those future time, when Zero's name is mentioned, it will strike a terror in kids so bad, they will be good.
I am so angry over this. Tell you the truth, Clinton did his damage, I got angry at him, but never the livid, white-hot anger like I have now. I thank God I can vent steam here to reduce the pressure, that is until Zero shuts us down. B-P Dang, sometimes I feel like the C. Thomas Howell character in "Red Dawn." One thing, we were born born in 1966. B-)
I've just had it up to here with all the Zero worshippers out there and Zero's stupid policies, my "I give a damn meter" is busted.
35 posted on
02/03/2009 8:16:17 PM PST by
Nowhere Man
(Is Barak HUSSEIN Obama an Anti-Christ? - B.O. Stinks! (Robert Riddle))
To: Nowhere Man
“They don’t care as long as they get their freebies and the gravy train keeps on rolling.”
And various minorities can vicariously live their dreams through Obama. Obama is doing everything they’ve dreamed of and as long as he tears down this country built by ‘evil white slave owners’ they’ll cheer him on.
I’m blind with rage at all of this. The inauguration was nothing more than a coronation and it makes me vomit that this punk is so busy savoring ‘being the first black president’ that he’s demonically trowing everything away.
This fool sincerely believes that he’s up there in terms of respect from other world leaders while they laugh at him behind his back.
“I hope when children are bad in those future time, when Zero’s name is mentioned, it will strike a terror in kids so bad, they will be good.”
Either that or threaten to bring Obama back into the presidency. Something like that.
105 posted on
02/05/2009 9:27:05 AM PST by
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