I have often called myself a Reluctant Republican. -
While registered as a republican, I am not one.
I am an American. I vote for the person that is most likely or more inclined to serve America and Americans rather then the democrat political party or the republican political party. Unfortunately far too many Americans vote for all the wrong reasons. Political Party, skin color, some single personal issue. This is how the Country ends up having Pelosi as House Leader and Obama as the President.
Unfortunately with our system there is no requirement for intelligence to cast a ballot, In fact little is required including proving you are alive in many cases... So the Country gets what these people vote for and in many case that is a empty suit or worse.
I wish we were free to vote for the best individual regardless of party affiliation; unfortunately the leadership in the democratic party is so corrupt I feel there is no choice but the keep them out of power and THAT allows the GOP to become corrupt in it’s own way. Two STRONG parties is the only hope for our country and I don’t see that in our future.