You were just bashing McCain for those same remarks even when he retracted them, weren’t you?
You ought to be proud to have a pro-life, orthodox Catholic, Brother Knight, and fellow Marylander as Party Chair. Not to hold him in contempt from day one, not having given him any chance, because you think maybe he perhaps might whatever...
Give Steele a chance.
“You were just bashing McCain for those same remarks even when he retracted them, werent you?”
No, I didn't. Look at my posts regarding Mr. McCain.
My problem with Mr. McCain wasn't on the topic of abortion, but rather with topics like immigration, campaign finance reform, judicial nominations, etc., etc., etc. If I hadn't accepted him as a pro-lifer in the last campaign, I would not have voted for him, no less donated hundreds of dollars to his campaign.
Thus, his retraction was good enough for me. As it would be with Mr. Steele. If he were to make one. Which he hasn't. Which thus leaves him in the camp of “not pro-life.”
“You ought to be proud to have a pro-life, orthodox Catholic, Brother Knight, and fellow Marylander as Party Chair.”
I'm not proud of any Brother Knight who says that Roe should stay in place.
“Not to hold him in contempt from day one,...”
I don't hold him in contempt. Now you're making up garbage. I've said that I like Mr. Steele, that I think he's a good guy.
But that at this time, I no longer know whether or not he is sufficiently pro-life to garner my support. And since he's the CHAIRMAN OF THE WHOLE DARNED PARTY, his failure on the issue of life persuades me to consider changing my registration from Republican to something else.
“Give Steele a chance.”
My standards are exceedingly low. The bar is set low indeed. He does not currently meet even this most minimal standard - the head of the Republican Party must be explicitly pro-life, and that means that he must demand that the lives of unborn children be protected in law. And that requires that one way or the other, Roe must go.
If the head of the party cannot meet this most minimal standard, then the head of the party isn't genuinely pro-life. And then, I will not belong to the party.
If Mr. Steele wishes to clarify that he didn't mean what he said, then I will support him as the head of the party. Mr. McCain did it in 1999. Why must I accept less from Mr. Steele.