Thanks. I see no conflict either. I do believe that Adam and Eve were specially created by God. I believe that evolution is an observable fact. Howewever, I have problems with the theory of evolution as it currently stands. My prolems with it are scientific, not religious -- it just does not answer all the questions satifactorily.
Evolution is an observable fact. One only has to follow the stories on how the Bird Flu virus is changing to see that. One can argue about the extent of evolution, but not about whether it exists.
All truth is God's truth, and there is no reason for Christians to fear or deny the truth.
WEll... evolution will condinue to develop as they are able to isolate additional variables, but I do think the basic mechanics are there.
Ranchers and farmers use directed evolution to create that hamburger from McDonalds.
This is the fallacy of affirming the consequent. Technically-educated people should be capable of recognizing fallacy in their own thinking if they have been taught how to think, rather than what to think.
Critical-thinking skills do not generally persist once a belief in evolution is accepted, however.
Unless it involves 6 literal 24-hour days of creation and a young creation, in which case absolute terror enters into the hearts of men.