Islam is the largest minority religion in Norway with over 2% of the population. In 2007, government statistics registered 79,068 members of Islamic congregations in Norway, about 10% more than in 2006.[1]. 56% lived in the counties of Oslo and Akershus.[2] Scholarly estimates from 2005 regarding the number of people of Islamic background in Norway vary between 120,000 and 150,000.[3] The vast majority have an immigrant background, with Norwegians of Pakistani descent being the most visible and well-known group. The Islamic community in Norway is highly diverse, but many mosques are organised in the umbrella organisation Islamic Council Norway (Islamsk Råd Norge).
Uff da!
Never trust statistics from Europe. As a rule they are massaged for political purposes. The media and ruling elite does an excellent job of covering up how Europe is changing. 2% is likely far too low an estimate.
Oslo, Norway’s capital, is at about 25% immigrant (mostly muslims). About half of 1st grade children are immigrants. Bullying and harassment of Norwegian children has become commonplace. Families with children move away from the city, and Norwegian children try to get into schools with few immigrants. White flight is no longer an American phenomenom.
Mohammed is by far the most common name for male children in Oslo like in other European capitals. And things are fast getting worse: 90% of new inhabitants of Oslo are non-western.
These numbers are low.
I guarantee it.
The gubmint statistical agency is playing around with definitions to make it seem smaller.
Just go to Oslo and have a look.
Some parts look like Peshawar, other looks like Mogadishu.
Oslo will be majority muslim in a few decades. It already is among grade schoolers. demography + time.
Already these days even PC political types talk about 10 percent.