Barf Alert
1 posted on
01/29/2009 9:48:49 PM PST by
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To: indcons
David Frum , DC insider rhino elitist alert !
2 posted on
01/29/2009 9:49:58 PM PST by
(Read all about)
To: indcons
To me Rush is Charles De Gaulle without all the french stuff.
3 posted on
01/29/2009 9:50:03 PM PST by
( I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass... and I'm all out of bubblegum)
To: indcons
What’s good for Rush Limbaugh is best for Americans.
4 posted on
01/29/2009 9:51:21 PM PST by
(ObamaNation: Tax cheat sworn in as Treasury Secretary --- you can't make this stuff up !!!)
To: indcons
Sad to say, but, fruck fum.
5 posted on
01/29/2009 9:51:22 PM PST by
(Actually, it all started back in Mayberry. Helen Crump was a traveler and Floyd, well, you know...)
To: indcons
The Barf Alert should be posted alongside the title. Now you made me read 10 lines of this crap..
6 posted on
01/29/2009 9:51:22 PM PST by
To: indcons
So sayeth Mr. “axis-of-evil”.
7 posted on
01/29/2009 9:52:10 PM PST by
To: indcons
Instead, our congressmen talk to and about Rush Limbaugh like Old Bolsheviks praising Comrade Stalin at their show trials. Rush is right! We see eye to eye with Rush! There is no truth outside Rush! ??? Since3 when did the GOP ever listen to Rush?
8 posted on
01/29/2009 9:52:26 PM PST by
(Had the flu. Not well yet.)
To: indcons
The GOP will recover only to the extent that it moderates and reaches out.Frum is just another, "Hey, a little bit of cancer won't kill you," scumbag.
Ignore him.
To: indcons
Frum is an Obama Republican I guess
11 posted on
01/29/2009 9:53:21 PM PST by
(Had the flu. Not well yet.)
To: indcons
From reminds me of Hitler in his last days: he imagines entire divisions of moderates who do not exist.
12 posted on
01/29/2009 9:53:43 PM PST by
(ECCE homo)
To: indcons
Instead, our congressmen talk to and about Rush Limbaugh like Old Bolsheviks praising Comrade Stalin at their show trials. Rush is right!Is he on crack? Has any elected official ever praised or mentioned Rush Limbaugh. (Until Obama)
13 posted on
01/29/2009 9:54:03 PM PST by
(Are the Good Times Really Over?)
To: indcons
his new site is aimed at one thing, destroying the conservative wing of the GOP.
To: indcons
The attack dogs have gotten their orders.
And according to Craig Ferguson Rush is just a fat DJ, junkie.
Rush is right again!
21 posted on
01/29/2009 10:01:46 PM PST by
(Socialism, it's the new black.)
To: indcons
What’s good for Rush is good for the republican party, conservatives, and the rest of the country.
Fixed this liberal douchebag headline.
22 posted on
01/29/2009 10:02:24 PM PST by
Secret Agent Man
(I'd like to tell you, but then I'd have to kill you.)
To: indcons
Frum is a queer little man.
To: indcons
I’m pretty sure that he, Kathleen and the rest of their merry band could never write another column and not one person would ever notice let alone care.
24 posted on
01/29/2009 10:02:52 PM PST by
Soul Seeker
(Gov. Sarah on Palin '08 -- President Sarah Palin '12)
To: indcons
"The GOP will recover only to the extent that it moderates and reaches out." No, the GOP will recover only to the extent that it embraces conservative values/policy. "Moderates" (like Frum) apparently didn't learn a damn thing from McCain getting trounced. The lesson: RINO Road is the path to oblivion.
25 posted on
01/29/2009 10:04:46 PM PST by
Mr. Mojo
To: indcons
Of course to the Frums and Parkers of the world the only way the Republican Party can survive is to run far left, promise payouts to everyone, raise taxes and pay lip service to “inclusion”.
All will be right with the world then.
27 posted on
01/29/2009 10:07:56 PM PST by
(Close Gitmo now! Send them to Alcatraz!)
To: indcons
Yet another Washington liberal telling Americans that conservatism is bad.
28 posted on
01/29/2009 10:08:24 PM PST by
(Hoover turned a recession into a depression, FDR turned it into The Great Depression)
To: indcons
The GOP would do extremely well to stop their “bipartisanship” crap and get back to core principles. The best way to do that is to listen to EXACTLY what Rush says. If they don’t, I see a grassroots revolt within the party.
29 posted on
01/29/2009 10:10:20 PM PST by
(3 prohibited topics in mixed company: politics, religion and operating systems...)
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