The "masculine" homosexuals were actually an active part of the Nazi Party.
From: Homosexuality and the Nazi Party
Konrad Heiden, a contemporary of Hitler and a leading authority on Nazi history, wrote that the Freikorps "were breeding places of perversion" and that "Rossbach's troop...was especially proud" of being homosexual (Heiden:295). Rossbach's adjutant was Edmund Heines, noted for his ability to procure boys for sexual orgies. Ernst Roehm, recruited by Rossbach into homosexuality, later commanded the Storm Troopers for the Nazis, where they were more commonly known as the SA (an acronym for Sturmabteilung).
Of course, to the lefty San Francisco blogger, the Nazi's tried to exterminate gay people, when in fact, many gays were a part of the Nazi party and the SA.
A common mis-understanding/fallacy is that Himmler's SS perpetrated the "Night Of The Long Knives" purge of Rohm's SA because he and Hitler were disgusted by Rhom and the other SA homo-sexuals under his command. It was a power-play, pure and simple. But the myth persists.