And don't think the Democrats aren't planning to make maximum use of the Hispanic vote in future elections. See THIS article in The Nation for how the left plans to use illegal Hispanic immigration and a fast road to citizenship, combined with their usual 92-95% of the black vote, to keep their monopoly on power virtually forever. Bush and the other Pubs who fought and defeated every effort to curb illegal immigration just insured GOP defeat in all future national elections.
I agree with your observations. Pat Buchanan’s best-selling book, “State of Emergency, The Third World Invasion and Conquest of America,” has a chapter entitled “The Suicide of the GOP.” Let me put in a caveat and say that I don’t agree with some of Pat’s political views but even his harsh critics admit his book is well researched and documented. I personally fear that the masive illegal invasion goes far beyond elections and conventional politics. Of course, it’s disgraceful that many politicians (especially Democrats) are shamelessly pandering to the Hispanic lobby for votes. But, beyond that, this is a phenomenon that’s threatening our entire culture and it may be beyond the point of no return. We’re already (if we’re honest enough to admit it) a bilingual nation. We’re rapidly becoming more balkanized every day. We have a huge number of immigrants who not only don’t wish to assimilate but are being encouraged not to do so by our state and federal governments. After a point, quantity changes quality. Even Karl Marx knew that. Multiculturalism, moral equivalence, and ethical relativity are now an inherent part of our educational system, as well as a PC revisionist history that is ignorant of our roots in Western civilization.