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To: Harrius Magnus; mojitojoe; Pelham; mom2twinsn2; LongLiveTheRepublic; ConservativeOrBust; ...
The Peter Schiff/Redistribution Watch Ping List.

"The economy is not going to improve because of this plan. You don’t solve economic problems by printing money. You solve those problems by working hard, saving, producing, and the exact opposite of what we are trying to do.."

"One way the government could create affordable housing is to stop propping them up with very low interest rates."

"The government can't fix the economy, it can only move our property from person to person, by taxing, borrowing, or printing more currency."

"The total cost to society is what the government spends, not just what we see it tax us"

"If devaluing currency made countries richer, the third world nations could just print themselves to a world power"

"We don't want work for the sake of work. We want work for what it produces"

"The (US Treasury)bond market is the next to collapse. The current buyers are like condo flippers looking to sell to someone else". "It's just another ponzi scheme as each buyer buys to sell until there are no buyers and it collapses""(because the government can never pay it back)

Please tag all relevant threads with the keyword : schifflist

Ping list pinged by sickoflibs.

To join the ping list: FReepmail sickoflibs with the subject line add Schifflist.

(Stop getting pings by sending the subject line drop Schifflist.)

4 posted on 01/23/2009 9:37:33 PM PST by sickoflibs (Obama : " How would my treasury secretary know to pay taxes?")
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To: sickoflibs

6 posted on 01/23/2009 9:39:39 PM PST by Fred (Obama Happens)
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To: sickoflibs

Thanks sickoflibs.

8 posted on 01/23/2009 9:48:45 PM PST by unkus
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To: sickoflibs

I don’t remember joining this list, but I don’t mind being on it!

Schiff is one of the only people with his head still attached. Rush is another. I hope he can get Schiff on for an interview sometime.

9 posted on 01/23/2009 9:48:55 PM PST by Terpfen (Ain't over yet, folks. Those 2004 Senate gains are up for grabs in 2 years.)
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To: sickoflibs
"The (US Treasury)bond market is the next to collapse. The current buyers are like condo flippers looking to sell to someone else". "It's just another ponzi scheme as each buyer buys to sell until there are no buyers and it collapses""(because the government can never pay it back)

I have money in short term treasuries - that's not what he's talking about - is it?

18 posted on 01/24/2009 9:33:47 AM PST by GOPJ (Bad & corrupt business decisions get bailed-out. Why should I play by the rules?FRpierrem15)
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To: sickoflibs
"If devaluing currency made countries richer, the third world nations could just print themselves to a world power"

We're the world's reserve currency - we can inflate our way out of a lot of this - the problem - no one will trust us "after"...

19 posted on 01/24/2009 9:38:38 AM PST by GOPJ (Bad & corrupt business decisions get bailed-out. Why should I play by the rules?FRpierrem15)
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To: sickoflibs
"The (US Treasury)bond market is the next to collapse. The current buyers are like condo flippers looking to sell to someone else". "It's just another ponzi scheme as each buyer buys to sell until there are no buyers and it collapses""(because the government can never pay it back)

When this sad day ocurs the vast majority of Americans will be wiped out. The money will be worthless and all of your cash, checking accounts, savings accounts, Cds and other dollar denominated assets will be worth substantially less than you think (if worth anything at all).

People will be frantic to trade dollars for ANYTHING tangible that will hold value. Currency export restrictions are likely and civil unreast by millions of formerly middle class people will make the civil rights riots look like a party. Imagine tenmillion soccer moms trying to find food for their kids.

It won't be pretty. Congress should be focused on preserving the value of the dollar and let the hardships happen. At least the poor can aspire to getting dollars again. In a currency collapse, there is no way to recover.

This is serious stuff, folks.

21 posted on 01/24/2009 10:22:33 AM PST by April Lexington (Study the constitution so you know what they are taking away!)
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