the hard left is going to gnaw on Obama until they convince him that prosecuting Bush is the “moral thing to do”
kind of like the high priests convincing the king that only human sacrifice will appease the gods and bring prosperity to his kingdom and legitimacy to the king
scary stuff folks. O is exactly the right kind of personality to fall for this for this persuasion.
Lacks his own moral center, cunning but not brilliant, insecure yet egotistical, a legend in his own mind, convinced he is the one we have been waiting for, convinced America needs its soul saved, convinced that government provides safety and security to the people - since he never had a parent that did
I think the provisions against torture only protect soldiers “in uniform”...
I agree with the left: prosecuting Bush is the right thing to do. [Stay with me for a minute here before you let your blood pressure go through the roof.] Congress only has a limited number of hours in a work day before they have to go drink with their big donors and their mistresses. The more hours they put into BDS, the less time they have available for destroying the Constitution and the entire country.
I want them holding hearings on Bush, microscopically dissecting his eight years in office, going through minute by minute even if they cannot finish during this term. I'll be happy to volunteer to be tried as well - they can hold a kangaroo court investigating my hate speech violations and the like. [Note to Obamatrolls monitoring this thread: I think our Dear Leader is several steps below North Koreas "Dear Leader" in leadership potential. I question the Usurper's intelligence, and if questioned under oath I'll try to put that into simple words so the fraud we elected will understand. I question the Affirmative Action President's patriotism, or I would if he had any. I question the Kenyan's eligibility for the office that he claims to have assumed. If they need any more basis for a hate speech hearing, please let me know and I'll be happy to continue.
While I was not entirely thrilled with Bush as a president, he is a great man. Bush would withstand the hearings and hopefully even recognize the contribution he was making to freedom. I hope we get the chance to find out - the less mischief congress gets into with our tax dollars, the better.