There’s also been a lot of brewhaha about him “flubbing” the oath. If he did, and that disqualifies him, then Nixon was disqualified as well. The oath states “preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution” and I’ve seen a video of Nixon’s inauguration (don’t know if it’s the first or second) where Nixon said “preserve and protect and defend...” He added an extra “and” which meant he didn’t state the oath as written in the Constitution.
As someone else said, we need to quit nitpicking on trivial stuff, it makes us look like idiots.
It was Nixon’s second inaugural. I watched it live on television, as Warren Burger administered the oath in his first inaugural as Chief Justice (Earl Warren administered the oath to Nixon in 1969).
Burger messed it up, just as you say: “Preserve and Protect and Defend” the Constitution and Nixon repeated it. Nobody said a word about it, as I remember.
Maybe it’s because Nixon was already in office.