Republicans only have themselves to blame for this demographics problem. They willing let uncontrolled and illegal immigration run amok to satisfy the cheap labor demands of corporate America.
People who migrate to the states legally are entrepreneurial and even pioneering in nature; and if not Republican tend to be much more moderate, reasonable or perhaps conservative Democrats. People who come here or stay here illegal are the la Raza crowd.
I believe that the changing demographic is the biggest and perhaps only long term obstacle to a conservative Republican resurgence. In short, we are screwed on a national level for a long, long time.
I think you are absolutely correct. I wrote nearly the same as you just did nearly two years ago. I added one little caveat and that was; If Duncan Hunter or someone very much like him isn’t elected in 2008, 2012 will not matter to Conservatives because the demographics will have changed in such a way as to make us politically irrelevant.
Of course everyone was playing the medias game and instructing us who could and couldn’t, “beat hillary”. It was a Republican Primary, American Idol of sorts. I can only hope that both of us are very, very wrong. :)