For the love of God, why is this our problem? If someone is one unexpected bill away from foreclosure, they have absolutely no business buying a house in the first place!!! This entitlement mentality is infuriating!
A place to live is a right afforded to all by the government. Home ownership is for thise who work hard and earn it. Luxury homes in good neighborhoods are for people who have succeeded in what they do and earn more than others.
Every time I catch sight of that flaming queen, Barney Frank (whom some have dubbed The Banking Queen), lecturing some business or banking type from his perch in a House hearing room, I want to HURL!
Let me see if I have this straight. And to borrow a line from a Jim Carey film SOMEBODY stop me if I get any part of it wrong:
Barney and some of his cohorts (Dodd, Schumer, et al) FORCED banks to make mortgage loans to people who had no prospect of making the payments under threat of losing their bank charters;
For a number of years BEFORE the current collapse, Barney was routinely waving a limp wrist and declaring that Freddie and Fannie were just fine while Barney was doing only God knows what with Herbie The Love Bug Moses who just HAPPENED TO BE A SENIOR EXECUTIVE AT FANNIE MAE! (How incredibly appropriate that Herbie was with FANNIE!)
If Barney and Herb had been Barney and Helen, and Barney werent a liberal media darling, the media would have been all over it. But since it was also one of those untouchable homosexual relationships political correctness places off limits, we heard nary a word, let alone a phrase like conflict of interest.
Now we have Barney, et al scrambling to slap a band aid (the soon to be proven idiotic BAIL-OUTS) over the gaping economic wound they created in the first place.
This, of course, explains Barneys stridency in seeing that the bail-out dough goes to a rescue of those same home buyers who lacked the means to repay their ORIGINAL loans: So we can keep the cycle going and allow him and his buds to draw MORE power to Washington. It could soon be bail-outs as far as the eye can see.
Am I the only American who is puzzled and disgusted that we have put the foxes in charge of watching the chickens?
And am I the only American who believes that roosters arent the only edible on Barneys highly varied diet.
This is precistely the kind of thinking that helped create our current financial mess. Home mortgages should not be some type of civil right dispensed in an “equal” manner regardless of ability to pay. They should be privileges bestowed only upon those who have shown personal responsibility to pay down their debts.
If someone’s mortgage is unaffordable to them, maybe they ought to consider downsiding, maybe buy a smaller, cheaper house or rent an apartment.
Pretty simple solution.
I believe the author of this piece is insinuating these people are stupid or selfish - I can't quite tell which.
Sounds like this guy is beating up on Blarney Fwank and Chrissie Dodd now.
one word comes to mind...
Abolishing tenure is long overdue.
The short term goal of these congressional banking thugs was, as usual, the purchase of votes/loyalty. But the long term agenda was Big Brother ownership of the banking industry. What better way to break the bank than force it to make impossible loans to irresponsible or incapable borrowers! Break the auto companies by making mileage demands and supporting unions. Confiscate billions from tobacco companies. Prevent oil companies from finding/marketing oil. None of this happened by accident. Ain’t the Marxist mindset just wonderful!!
Besides the MORONS taking out two mortgages and illegals with with one mortgage they never could afford cutting grass for a living, just note the states with the highest foreclosures. Except for a few they all seem to be HIGH TAX DemoncRAT run states. And AP's real estate genius Alan Zibel fails to make that connection.
Be stupid, make poor financial decisions, play the victim card, belong to a protected class: SUBSIDIZED HOME PROVIDED BY THE GOVERNMENT.
Stay in school, get an education, get a job, save, invest, and be responsible: YOU’RE SCREWED.
You mean people who strive to be better educated make more money? Who knew that?
Is this for real??
Honest to God, the cause and effect is right there in black and white!! Home ownership among these populations increased due to meddling by Barney Frank and Bill Clinton in the mortgage markets. Giving loans to unqualified minorities was done on purpose. Does this idiot not make the connections? The mortgage market has failed because of it, and is on the brink of bringing down the entire world's financial system, and the brain trust at the Associated Press still doesn't get it?
I give up.
Nobody forced them to sign it.....
I *just* finished reading this article at Yahoo!.
The entitlement mentality is especially infuriating to those who knew it wouldn’t be prudent to buy a house, despite the easy access; most places don’t have rent control and rents have gone through the roof, with none of the advantages of home ownership such as tax deductions. As usual, bad behavior will be rewarded.
It’s gonna be a long four years...equality, equality, equality. Well, show me one place that states life is supposed to be fair. The Bible? There have always been well people and sick people. There have always been rich people and poor people. There have always been fat people and thin people.
This is life, folks, get a grip. Grow up, already.
But some men have more strength than others; some more health; some more industry; and some more skill and ingenuity, than others; and according to these, and other circumstances the products of their labor must be various, and their property must become unequal.
The rights of property must be sacred, and must be protected; otherwise there could be no exertion of either ingenuity or industry, and consequently nothing but extreme poverty, misery, and brutal ignorance.
St. George Tucker, "View of the Constitution of the United States" 1803
Government continues to destroy the country by operating contrary to both natural and political law......and the sheeple still sleep.