I was Catholic for four years a long time ago. I followed my parents from Baptist to Episcopalian to Catholic. My first wife and I received instruction so that we could be married in the church. Those were a happy four years.
Then some things happened that caused me to leave the church. All churches.
Then in 2000 I retired and moved from the east coast to a Rocky Mountain state. After several invitations I attended service at a CMA church. The sermon that day was on “New Beginnings.” I have been a member of that church since then.
I have noticed bigotry against Catholics and Mormons among some of the evangelicals who attend my church. They have all learned not to express that garbage in my presence.
Many Christian churches are being infected with people who seek a more “inclusive” posture from the church. As far as I am concerned that is the beginning of the end for them.
Rick Warren just applauded Barack Obama for inviting a homosexual bishop to speak at a gathering after the inauguration. This bishop has said that he will not use the Bible during his prayer and will not be too Christian in his remarks.
I think that Rick Warren has become part of the problem. He wants to get along with everybody.
I seek no argument on how people practice their faith, only to comment that evangelicals are not alone in being persecuted and in other avenues of Christianity, even within the faith, a division has evolved. I cannot comment on Mormonism, but we Catholics who just kneel after Mass to give thanks are considered weird. It’s food for thought.