Forgive me, but I really hate these activist anti-GM folks. If you don't like GM, try not to consume GM products. In fact, try not to consume anything at all ... that will keep you safe and make you much less of a pain in the butt to others.
It also strikes me that people that eat raw foods without washing them are posing a greater risk to themselves than they ever imagined. I don't eat food from my garden that hasn't been washed ... even to the point that I won't pull a cherry tomato and pop it in my mouth when I walk by. Of course, that is mostly because I use lots of pesticide, but the reason doesn't seem to be as important as the practice of washing the food.
I can’t stomach (pardon the pun) environmentalist elitist and the organic only crowd as well. I find them to be self righteous, muppies (mountain yuppies), human hating, America is evil, Mother Earth loving people.
I do not object to labeling that indicates whether produce has been GM. We prefer our foods in its natural state, so to speak, the way God intended. We also use some organic’s. There is a difference in the way the food tastes compared to industrialized, mass produced, government produce. We also use organic cleaners, and are happy with them.
I do not believe all the hype surrounding the corporately produced foods. I’m sure part of the motivating factor is founded in liberal ideology.
I wouldn’t throw the baby out with the bath water.