I see a very good fit between many of the goals and structures of the BSA organization with what is described here for the Hispanic community. >>>
so do I, and I agree with your post, scouting works and every boy including minorities would benefit; however, scouting works well in middle class & working-class communities with nuclear families and parental involvement with good and active troop committees. In the poor, inner-city communities, where scouting is mostly needed; it’s a whole different world.
Indeed, that's a big challenge. The inner city schools face many of the same issues. Youngsters with involved, supportive parents have a better shot at academic success and a productive life. Many inner city families fail to provide this. To be successful in bringing kids into scouting, we'll need a variety of approaches. I see a lot of Hispanic families living in the borough adjacent to our township. They aren't in the inner city, and there are a lot of fathers around. Reaching out to their sons is a different proposition than dealing with inner city youth from single parent households.