President Bush spent 40 Million dollars for his inauguration. The Liberals tore him up over it. I can’t say I was happy about it. It seems to me that is a ridiculous amount of money to spend, but at least his supporters paid for most if not all of it, including security.
Turn to Obama. He is going to spend $150M and WE are going to pay his security.
They started out planning for 6M people. And they talked about every hotel etc for miles around being full. Well that is not happening. Now they are estimating the crowd to be around 2M. There are 800 rooms IN DC that are not spoken for, and many more than that in the outlying areas, all of which they had expected to be full up as well.
I guess he doesn’t understand that when your supporters with bodies that actually go pull the lever for you, that have to be either coersed or hauled to the voting place, are not the kind of people that are going to get themselves to DC so they can stand in the cold for you, and even if they would they cannot afford transportation to get there nor money to pay lodging when they do get there. He may end up having a very small, but very expensive party. Rah Rah Rah.P~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ice Storm, Ice Storm, Rain, Rain
Exactly. Maybe down to 1M... maybe less....