GEE...Kill the Economy EVEN FASTER!!!! Whoppeee.....
They are insane. Go ahead and do it and see what the wrath of the U.S. citizens do to you.
Odumbo cannot be that dumb.
These people are so sick.
What do they think led to our current recession! sheesh!
But I’ll make a killing on “When Obama was inaugurated gas was only $1.65” bumper stickers.
If Obama thinks he can win re-election with high gas prices..he is nuttier than I think.
High gas prices hurt those most who make the least
Wow they’re going to raise taxes? How...not surprising at all.
I’ll be interested to see if their blaming of big oil flies or not...
I highly doubt Obama will reverse position. First, on the surface, these are badly needed jobs and relatively 'easy' oil that smaller exploration companies need in order to survive. Secondly, and more importantly, American oil means royalties on every barrel of oil pumped, which Obama will desperately want to have, and thirdly, and most important, TAXES! Obama is going to raise taxes on gasoline as high as he can, don't be surprised if those taxes reach levels of taxation seen in Europe.
Obama desperately needs revenues, and oil is a very available source right now, along with cigarettes and alcohol.
Obama will want as much American oil as he can get. If Mid east oil demand increases, opec will try get those prices back up as high as possible, which will reduce the level of taxation Obama may otherwise be able to generate on cheaper world oil prices. Keeping demand on mid-east and Russian oil low is in his best interests.
These lead balloons are not going to play in Peoria.
$8 a gallon would destroy the economy pretty quickly
Plus, keeping demand for imported oil low also protects the US dollar, which he wouldn’t want to see fall with all the spending he wants to do. A weak dollar will kneecap him.
Well, no kidding. Their whole plan is to tank the country and take us out as the lone superpower. We’re an economic powerhouse, so you have to destroy that. The huge inflationary process they support will take care of that. It will allow for socialism to flourish, and rationing to occur, and higher prices for everything to occur, and for more control over all aspects of your existence by the state, to occur. And for your civil liberties and rights to be taken away.
Yup, everything is going according to plan.
Shouldn’t Obama be happy that we are using less gas? Libs don’t really care about progress or the environment. They just use issues to gain power and influence.
There is a wicked voice in my head that says, “I wish the Americans who voted for Hussein, and those who did not vote, get exactly what they voted for”.
The reasons behind this crap must be presented, for and against. Polar bears hunting seals and Caribou looking at a warm line isn't going to cut it. I will ask my Senators point blank what the issue is. This is stupid.
I think some of you people just dont get it. They are trying to BANKRUPT America. It’s over, just a matter of when, not if.
Then we will see $10- $15 gas prices.
I want to hear all the comments from the Obama puppets at work who firmly believe Bush raised and lowered the prices at whim to get him and his oil buddies rich. When the Great Spreader makes the prices go higher, what will they say? Probably still blame Bush.