Anybody who has seen my postings on FR will remember that I have harped on the same theme for the last two months. Many of you thought I was overstating Obama’s desire for a permanent Presidency; complacency set in to thinking that you could remove Obama in 2016. Please, please wake up America. Obama plans to stay President until he dies and that won’t be for at least 30 years given the normal life span of males in America. If you had asked Cubans in 1959 what odds would they have taken that Castro or his brother would still be ruling Cuba in 50 years they would have taken any odds.
There are more similarities between the "Hussein"-s, than their name.
I agree with your thinking and have also mentioned that inasmuch as this maggot is so like minded with Chavez, it would be like him to figure some way to be President For Life. This cannot happen.
Maybe your warnings would generate more concern if we hadn’t heard similar musings around and about every election of every President since this site was founded. All BS. Period. And, worse yet is these ridiculous thoughts take away from the genuine concern we should have about what is actually happening. It doesn’t take the same person in office for excess time to destroy the US.
I posted a similar thought on a Rush thread. In my scenario the Dems would wait until about 2014 to make their move. Sheesh, he’s not even President and the move has started. In my scenario I thought that ACORN would be busy electing friendly state Senators and Assemblymen. However, ACORN is planning to elect Democrat friendly Secretaries of States. In any event, it doesn’t surprise me.
I have been basically saying the same thing. I hope I am wrong, but this election was so wrong and out of place. People said we could not get attacked either and look what happened.
With the economy in the shape that it is and other factors this country is ripe for something like this to happen. They are looking for a savior and they found it in Obama.