Science is being co-opted by governments and special interests. FOR THEIR OWN ENDS - NOT YOURS! It's no longer science, it's Dogma, it's control, it's tyranny.
It's a GD cult! And it sounds like you've drank the Kool-Aide.
As I've said to you before, if you wanna go green, go for it, I'm taking steps in that direction myself. But leave the bureaucracies, taxation, carbon scams and big-brother state out of it.
Carbon credits... LOL..... you're surrounded by carbon; you're a GD carbon based life form for crying out loud!
Geez! And now the idiots want to start taxing cow farts! Meanwhile, sitting on the bottom of the ocean is hundreds of trillions of cubic feet of methane gas, waiting to be released into the atmo. Or be turned into energy.
I suppose you also want to cut off all national energy exploration and use, while letting every other country around the world make use of their's, as long as your carbon credit scam allows them too.
Essentially every last one of your claims is bogus. You’re clearly not acquainted with the scientific community and what they do.
It’s not a conspiracy to ensure continued funding. Scientists don’t want any more funding to study global warming. They want something done about it.