In Conference, they probably talked about who was responsible to VET in conference, it wasn't the SoS of each state., therefore they did not want to waste valuable court time and not hold BO accountable.
The burden to each SoS to vet each candidate for each office would be prohibitive in both time and expense. You will notice that neither cases were completely released but pending. They can be revisited and opinions may be written on them when a final release is given.
Berg's case OTOH places the burden on the candidate, the party, and the FEC. Berg, however, did not have standing until yesterday to present his case. He now has standing (as Keyes and the other CA cases have)
If you read the link above it explains how the SCOTUS is playing chess with BHO and has him in Check Mate.
In Conference, they probably talked about who was responsible to VET, it wasn’t the SoS of each state, therefore they did not want to waste valuable court time and not hold BO accountable. The burden to each SoS to vet each candidate for each office would be prohibitive in both time and expense.
***Lucky for us, we have the constitution. It states that “if the president elect fails to qualify”... not “if the SoS fails to qualify the candidate” nor “if the people fail to qualify the PE”.
20th Amendment Sct3: if the President elect shall have failed to qualify
12/09/2008 9:59:02 AM PST · by Kevmo · 79 replies · 1,825+ views
Constitution of the United States ^ | January 23, 1933 | US Constitution