How about quick reaction shooting drills? “Basically drills to short circuit active thinking and induce reflexive actions?”
Something akin to when you see the old lady get the felony stop pull over.
A lot of patrolmen training is to take out thinking.
There was a time a bunch of young males fighting was just broken up and everyone sent on their way, one way or another. Now a common young buck fight fest is a full employment feast for the security bureaucracy and other state organs.
> There was a time a bunch of young males fighting was just
> broken up and everyone sent on their way, one way or
> another. Now a common young buck fight fest is a full
> employment feast for the security bureaucracy and other
> state organs.
Yes, overreaction by the security brigades is a real problem, and it certainly contributed to this fiasco. That’s a bigger issue than whether the cop meant to shoot the guy, though.