You have no doubt noticed that this stinker keeps conflating certificte with certification, as in a certification of live birth is a certification that a berth certificate is on file but is not itself the birth certificate. It is typical of an agitprop to play these agmes with words. Try to ignore the obamanoids hereafter. They are enjoying their deceit far too much at your expense.
You don’t know what you are talking about. Your comment doesn’t relate to anything I said. You just can’t argue the issue on the facts so you have to resort to attacking people. That’s what happens when you have a losing argument.
Notice what he said earlier to avoid being honest when I gave him this link to read :
OK. I suppose there's no purpose in anyone reading them then.
Like the little b***h bully he's trying to be, he won't take 10 minutes to read a web site, and runs away like a baby from actually doing any research. I tell him the problem is with possible ambiguities the certification presents, he twists it to say I'm saying there are ambiguities with a lease program, and even more stupidly brings in some 'hawaii accepts it's own birth certificates' statement as if it actually applied. He is actually stupid enough to want me to acknowledge something I didn't even say as a way to somehow convince himself he's right about something...Simple strawmen for simple minds. This is what I get for trying to help him understand. ;)
Now mlo, this is funny:
"You dont know what you are talking about. Your comment doesnt relate to anything I said. You just cant argue the issue on the facts so you have to resort to attacking people. Thats what happens when you have a losing argument." and:
"We are interested in the truth aren't we? Whatever it is? We don't get to the truth by ignoring facts we don't like, or misrepresenting them. I'm sure you'll agree. So it's important to acknowledge the facts we can agree on."
Hint of hypocrisy creeping in yet? You should be aware of it by now...