I'm afraid your faith was seriously misplaced. A creepy POS like Franken would not have even been on the radar screen in this race back in the days when Americans still had some pride.
Sorry to break it to you, but America is dead and gone. Whats left is a land mass populated by cretins and parasites who have absolutely no respect for the military and who vote for big government to confiscate money from their neighbors and redistribute it to them. It is not an America worth defending anymore.
Whatever. I just live here.
Every man for himself.
I'm sorry to admit it but I fear you're correct in every detail.
This doesn't seem to be the same country I served and was so proud of in my younger years. It seems that I'm living a Rip-van-wrinkle type of life where I wake up and find out that I'm living in some third world country.
I've remembered a quote about the "enemy within" that goes:
"A nation can survive its fools and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and he carries his banners openly against the city. But the traitor moves among those within the gates freely, his sly whispers rustling through all alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears no traitor; he speaks in the accents familiar to his victim, and he wears their face and their garments and he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation; he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of a city; he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to be feared. The traitor is the plague."...Cicero
Those four words summarize America as we begin 2009.
It is being confirmed every day with decent Americans buying every gun and box of ammunition they can lay hands upon.
We can trust now only in one thing ....
when you pull the trigger, a good quality firearm delivers the bullet exactly where you want it to go if you are a careful marksman.
Whatever. I just live here.
Every man for himself.
I couldn't sleep so I came here to my refuge but these are the saddest words I've read in some time.
I was born in Iran but my love for this land is deep in my veins and I am an American and I never want to imagine an America you describe.
I truly believe this country is great for a purpose. Call me Polyannish and what I say cliche but I still believe there is a destiny and a hope. Good days and bad days come and go yet this hope MUST lead and America's purpose must be fulfilled even if every last one of her lamentable cretins has to be pulled by their hair to get there!
Re: Your Post#10
Sadly, regretably, what you say has much truth in it. So, the big question for those of us who will not accept what America has become, and want it to return to what it once was, is how far will we go and how much will we do to bring about that return? Therein lies the answer to the future of America.
But do Americans really want this kind of Janus-faced liberalism? Or are they just suffering from a prolonged lack of leadership and vision such that even a styrofoam cutout like Barack Obama could get elected by simply sounding like a true leader? That the words were empty of serious content seemed to matter not at all to a public weary of war and yet spoiled by unparalleled abundance. For their part, the Democrats succeeded by exploiting the former and by denying the latter.
And for their part, the Republicans failed by promoting as their standard-bearer a candidate who accepted all the important premises of the opposition. Having made a career of undercutting his own party's base at nearly every turn, he continued to do so until naked political calculus led to his selection of a conservative running mate - a great choice, but one made more of necessity than conviction.
Anyway, here we are, in the wilderness. Where we will be for a while. But "America" as you and I recall it is not yet dead. It's just gone underground, waiting for a leader and a cause, and for the right moment to reemerge. America feels the same way to me now as it did back in January 1977: the argument was over - the Left had won and controlled everything. A mere four years later, it felt very, very different. And much, much better.
Hope is not just for Democrats.
This is just so WRONG!