There is just something so low class about this. Is this the publishers clearinghouse Presidency?
1 posted on
01/04/2009 7:06:59 PM PST by
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To: Maelstorm
2 posted on
01/04/2009 7:08:05 PM PST by
(Orwell's "1984" .. to Conservatives- a WARNING, to Liberals - a TEXTBOOK)
To: Maelstorm
If I donate $10, can I win the promise of not having to go?
3 posted on
01/04/2009 7:08:14 PM PST by
(Everything Obama does is "appropriate", therefore, nothing he does is "inappropriate".)
To: Maelstorm
Can’t do, I need the 5 bucks..low on toilet paper.
To: Maelstorm
I’d rather by a McDonald’s combo meal then go to that inauguration. I think on January 20th I’m going to the mall. I cant stomach that crap all day
To: Maelstorm
Sure here.
6 posted on
01/04/2009 7:10:27 PM PST by
To: Maelstorm
I would rather attend the “opening of the first inflow valve” ceremony at the new sewage treatment plant.
7 posted on
01/04/2009 7:11:25 PM PST by
Nik Naym
(Everyone has a right to my opinion.)
To: Maelstorm
For just the tiniest of a split second, I thought this was a way Jim Rob was trying to get people to donate to the current FReepathon!!!! [shudders]
Then I realized that wasn’t possible, NO one would donate to the FReepathon if there was the slightest chance of “winning”
(wink, wink, nudge, nudge, say no more) tickets to the end of America as we know it!!! So I knew in my heart of hearts that FR was safe, LOL.
8 posted on
01/04/2009 7:12:09 PM PST by
(CJ in TX --"God help us all, and God help America!!" --my new mantra for the next 4 years)
To: Maelstorm
Wow, the first Presidential Lottery. He knows his constituency well.
9 posted on
01/04/2009 7:12:27 PM PST by
(We care a lot)
To: Maelstorm
I just donated.
(To FreeRepublic)
To: Maelstorm
Just donate $5 to the "keep Michelle Obama in designer clothes" fund and you will be entered into a drawing to win this authentic painting of Lincoln, which currently hangs in the White House. Lincoln reminds many people of our beloved Barack
12 posted on
01/04/2009 7:15:35 PM PST by
(Obama brings change: an international crisis (terrorism) within 6 months)
To: Maelstorm
Is this the publishers clearinghouse Presidency?
I prefer to think of it as "THE MTV PRESIDENCY".
13 posted on
01/04/2009 7:15:39 PM PST by
(Barack Hussein 0bama=The Complete Destruction of American Capitalism)
To: Maelstorm
if I said exactly what I tought about that article it'll probably get me banned on here...
But put toilet paper and what usually goes on it together and that's what I'd love to donate...
14 posted on
01/04/2009 7:17:10 PM PST by
(God, let Obama speak utter foolishness and confound the wisdom of his counselors)
To: Maelstorm
Donate $5.00 now and you may win an all expense paid trip to President-elect Obama's inauguration! And like, why would I want that? Can I have a root canal instead, please?
15 posted on
01/04/2009 7:17:45 PM PST by
(Iran Azadi|5yst3m 0wn3d-it's N0t Y0ur5 (SONY)||RCongressIn2Years)
To: Maelstorm
I’ll pass normally I have taken off the day the Prez gets in office but this time I plan on working and not even listening to a bit of news. I will offer the same respect they did to G.W. Bush however, I will be silent.
To: Maelstorm
I’ll bet his next big Obamathon will be that if you “donate” 10 bucks, you can go over to Obama’s house and watch the Super Bowl with him and his sidekick, “Rimshot” Joe Biden, the Gabby Hayes of Politics.
19 posted on
01/04/2009 7:23:08 PM PST by
(For more information on America's "new direction" read The Road to Serfdom. by Friedrich A. Hayek.)
To: Maelstorm
If I donated 10 dollars can I get a cabinet appt
To: Maelstorm
Better spent on cancer research or Alzheimer and the like.
$5.00 for a chance to see zero ... definitely not priceless!
23 posted on
01/04/2009 7:25:48 PM PST by
(I'm not a judge and there ain't enough of me to be a jury. (Zell Miller, A National Party No More))
To: Maelstorm
There is just something so low class about this. They are what they are. They can't help it.
24 posted on
01/04/2009 7:26:03 PM PST by
(Iran Azadi|5yst3m 0wn3d-it's N0t Y0ur5 (SONY)||RCongressIn2Years)
To: Maelstorm
I'd rather be in traction, with the worse yeast infection ever known to womankind, and dying to scratch, than donate.
25 posted on
01/04/2009 7:26:48 PM PST by
(Like June Carter Cash, "I'm just tryin' to matter.")
To: Maelstorm
Sorry, I have a very important appointment that day to take a complete audit of each and every nose hair in my nostrils.
26 posted on
01/04/2009 7:26:56 PM PST by
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