The link between autism and vaccines is not anything new. I had a friend who was a special ed teacher of autistic and she told me ten years ago there was a huge increase in the numbers of these kids entering schools. She said they thought it was due to the vaccines.
>>She said they thought it was due to the vaccines.<<
Actually, I don’t think it’s the vaccines per se, but the combo shots.
A friend of mine has an Autistic son. She has scheduled every sibling with a different schedule of vaccines. Never a combo. They are all fine. The Autistic boy (who is totally non-verbal) was perfect before one of the combo shots at two years old.
Yes, that's how long ago I first heard about the anti-vaccination types. There was all kinds of that garbage bundled up with the natural childbirth stuff my ex was subjected to when she was having our first child.
“She said they thought it was due to the vaccines.”
no no it’s really due to the bad karma and negative crystal energy.
She should stick to teaching and leave medicine to actual doctors.