I took my little brother and sister to see Wall E and it made me so mad, I spent the entire ride home un-indocternating them. Humans are not all stupid pigs that want to destry the environment!
Humans are not all stupid pigs that want to destry the environment!
Not according to all the manic depressive liberal greenies - all of us are stupid pigs.
The movie's closing credits showed the humans and robots cleaning up the planet and regrowing the vegetation. And the humans were not shown as "stupid pigs," but as basically decent people who had been duped and controlled by their machine handlers. Once they shook off the control, they pulled together and did the right thing. The ship's Captain, especially, was shown to be heroic and determined to save his crew. The message I took away from this movie was to fight in the face of adversity rather than giving up. I believe it is a good message for youngsters.