Because they are ignorant people infused with a backwards culture pushed around by evil “leaders”? It’s almost too easy to imagine that Arabs are by nature mentally inferior at this point. Obviously we know that isn’t true, but they sure don’t give anyone any reason not to think that an Arab or a person foolish enough to accept Islam is a low grade moron.
Lawrence of Arabia once said,
“The Arab can be swung on an idea as on a string.”
Meaning that an Arab can be persuaded to do or to believe anything, as long as one can convince the Arab that it was originally his own idea.
I have coworkers who still believe that we never landed on the moon in 1969. When I remind them that our rival in space the USSR did not even attempt to challenge the reality of the moon missions, they just shrug.
Majority of world opinion is pro-Hamas. Go figure.
Lincoln’s observation that one can’t fool all of the people all of the time is in need of update and revision, IMO.
“Dumbing down” a populace takes various forms. Mohammed capitalized on an already nihilistic Arab culture and invented a cult that would produce centuries of ignorant useful idiots. Imagine if Soros/Ayers et al and the NEA had gotten started a thousand years ago and there’d been no monks to hand-copy and preserve civilization? We would all be toiling under the leftist version of the cult of mohammedism ourselves.