For all the claims about naturalism and what science is capable of dealing with, scientists are continually overstepping those bounds and speaking on things which they, by their own admission are not qualified to speak on.
It involves far more than just the soul and consciousness.
There are whole levels of reality that are not touchable by science. Science is a useful tool for learning about the world around us and improving the human condition through technology. It is the wrong tool for deciding morals and setting political policy.
Thanks for the many good posts. I agree with you that science “is the wrong tool for deciding morals and setting political policy.”
I’m taking on naturalism these days for a few reasons. First, I think it has been oversold. By this I mean that there has been indoctrination and acceptance that go way beyond it’s merits. The second reason is that I suspect it is hugely influential and has the wrong aims and consequences.
I am beginning to lump naturalism in with Freudian psychology, Marxism, and possibly evolutionary theory as programs that are not good science but serve to undermine Judeo-Christian morality, society, and religion - for some people that is the intent.
I apologize in advance if some of this seems a little amorphous, vague, or even paranoid. But I believe that some pseudo-scientific programs have agendas that are sometimes hidden or denied. Many innocent people have been taken in. I think that is the point of the programs. These duped individuals may have no agenda, but they advance an agenda nonetheless.
Briefly. I think Freudian psychology with its emphasis on sexuality in determining human nature undermined Christian teachings and beliefs. Evolutionary theory undermined religion for many people. Marx was an atheist who attacked religion while advancing his economic and political program. These people and their programs have been addressed by others at length. Naturalism attempts to banish any and all religion or religious thinking from science and to force a false choice - religion or science. Naturalism should come under the same intense scrutiny and de-construction as Marxism, Freudian psychology, evolution, and global warming.