Posted on 12/25/2008 10:19:10 AM PST by null and void
Sex fest scheduled to be held on 'International Orgasm Day' and seeking to promote world peace called off after owner of venue meant to host event caves in to threats
After weeks of preparations for the largest sex event of its kind in Israel, organizers were forced to cancel it this week due to public pressure and threats exerted on the owner of the venue where the sex fest was to take place.
The event in question, which was scheduled to take place on "International Orgasm Day," aimed to bring together some 250 participants seeking to promote world peace through multiple orgasms reached by masturbation or sex.
The orgy was organized by the Raelian movement, a UFO religion whose followers believe humankind was created by aliens. The group's spokesman, Kobi Drori, said that the orgy was meant to include straights, gays, lesbians and bisexuals, all of them over 18.
"The purpose of the event was to try and bring world peace through mass orgasm, this by experiencing consensual sex and natural, uninterrupted pleasure. It was important to make love without feeling guilty or shy," he explained.
Drori protested the fact that nowadays the words "war," "violence" and "murder" have become more legitimate than "sex," "orgasm" and "pleasure."
"It should be the other way around. Several years ago an Iraqi boy whose limbs were amputated was shown on TV and everybody treated this as if it was okay, but when Janet Jackson exposed her breast during the Superbowl the American nation was appalled.
"We wanted to put into practice the saying 'make love, not war'."
'Society based on self-fulfillment'
According to Drori, the orgy was just the first in a series of events dedicated to promoting this objective. On January 22 the movement will hold a conference on sexuality and masturbation with experts and writers in the field.
He also vowed that the cancelation of this year's orgy would not deter the Raelians from setting up another sex fest next year.
The Raelian movement has several hundreds followers in Israel and some 70,000 members worldwide.
"We don't believe in demons, ghosts and gods," said Drori. "The group's primary goal is to inform humanity, without attempting to persuade, regarding scientific messages that deal with the origins of life on earth.
"The second goal is to expedite the establishment of a society based on the principles of non-violence, solidarity, self-fulfillment and pleasure. To establish one global currency, one global government and harness science to the service of humanity, and not against humanity," he concluded.
Any pictures?
The Devil at work ...
I didn’t realize the Raileans were still around. Weren’t they the crazies that committed mass suicide several years ago?
No, that was Heaven’s Gate.
Raelians claim to have cloned a human being.
Laughable. A world based on this nonsense would cease to exist as mankind would die off rapidly due to the STD’s from universal immorality.
You wonder why people who would attend an orgy would be swayed by public pressure.
Make love not war ping. ;-)
"An expert in the field of masturbation." That's way better than what that judge called me.
When the stock market crashed,
Franklin Roosevelt got on the television
and didnt just talk about
the princes of greed, he said,
Look, heres what happened."
-Slow Joe Biden
gives a whole new meaning to world peace, doesn’t it?
You mean world piece don’t you
Sounds like publicity stunt. I wonder how much opposition they really had? This way they get in the news world wide, without any expense.
Hmm. How many other groups could do that?
Lets say you have a charity that want hits on their web site. You send out this press release: “(Name of charity) had canceled 250 person orgy after pressure from opposition.”
There goes my weekend plans!
I suppose that’s a little better than having it canceled due to lack of interest...
"Show me just what Mohammed brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached." - Manuel II Palelologus
Ha ha! He said “caves”....enjoy the day to all my freeper friends!
Yes, by masturbating themselves to death.
Uh... no thanks. I like being free from any diseases. And besides... watching others boinking never was a turn on for me... (shrug)
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