I’ve downloaded and read the report. It’s available free online to anyone who cares to take the time and effort to read it.
It’s basically a preparedness plan for a variety of long shot events that probably won’t occur. The fact that folks are using it to monger fear is more distressing than the report itself.
Lol. The Gov’t has already been doing that. Bailouts, Patriot Act, Iraq, etc.
“Its basically a preparedness plan for a variety of long shot events that probably wont occur. The fact that folks are using it to monger fear is more distressing than the report itself.”
Deja Vue, all over again.
I fully expect to see all of the old Y2K rumors about how Clinton was going to use Y2K to take over the United States and sell our sovereignty to the UN. We had threads about FEMA establishing civilian detention centers out in the Utah desert. We even had one where Clinton was hiding Chinese shock troops in trailers behind Walmart Super Centers ready to spring into action to quell civilian unrest. Just a matter of time.