If it is taxed, growing your own will be illegal (especially if you are selling it). DEA agents will become BATFEC (C for cannabis) agents and will hound bootleggers mercilessly. Because of WOsD the mechanism is in place.
It's easy to distill booze, too, but few get involved with it for long due to BATFE diligence. Oh there may be some kitchen whisky made, but as soon as you get up to making several gallons a whack on a regular basis, they'll be looking for you just as if you had 20 metal halide lamps in your basement.
If it's so hard to profit, why are there Mexican drug lords with armies?
And as I said above "decriminalize" is not "legalize".
Need a hookup for some ‘shine?
It’ll take off paint.
Made by people with fruit orchards. Waste not want not.
It’s peach brandy! 151 or so proof peach brandy.