The Israeli’s deserve the missiles, and the suicide bombings, and the massacres. Any country not willing to do what it takes to survive, is asking for war and terrorism.
Why are food shipments allowed to go into Gaza? Why are Gazans enjoying Israeli gas and electricity? Why do tens of thousands of Gazans work in Israel? Why are the Kasam attacks not answered by artillery barrages against densely populated areas? Why are imprisoned terrorists not executed in retribution for Israeli civilian deaths? Why is the whole sh*thole not pulverized into dust???
You gonna fight a war with kid gloves, you will get missiles up your butt. Hitler was not defeated by feeding German civilians, supplying them with gas and electricity, and letting them work in the US.
Before anyone flames me, I am an Israeli and have two cousins in the IDF. I love Israel and would die for that country, but the cowardice of the politicians and population makes me want to vomit.
amen, brother
No flaming from me akhi. We act like cowardly idiots so we get smacked around like cowardly idiots.
I agree - no flaming from here.
GRRRRREAT post! Belated welcome aboard!