You asked of Bush — “Why are you doing this???”
Well the patient (the U.S. economy) is headed for the hospital and intensive care. Now, there are some here, who would (if they saw a patient like this) say that this patient should survive outside of intensive care. We don’t need no stinkin’ medical instruments... LOL...
And if the patient dies — “Well, it’s because of the Democrats, in the first place... :-)
I don’t think so. If you’ve got a patient headed for the hospital and is going to be placed in intensive care — they really need some help as they can’t function at all on their own. And that’s the state of the economy now.
That’s what Bush and Cheney are saying...
If you can become an apologist to socialism during times of trouble then you were never a free marketer. The principles of capitalism works in good time and bad. Its the only just and morale system esp now
I disagree with the basic premise of your analogy- that you can save the patient by something other than free market principles. Of course Bush and Cheney have not done a good job of practicing free market principles, so it is no wonder they are willing to sacrifice them. The economy, or patient, is indeed very ill, so it is imperative that free market principles be applied immediately. Government intervention is responsible for the economic meltdown, and we need it to cease pronto to have a chance at lessening people’s misery.
Your analogy is mistaken. The market is simply the set of all human action, and isn’t a “patient” that learned doctors can “treat”. Politicians don’t create wealth (but can destroy it), and they do not run the economy, and although they can make a simulacrum of prosperity by printing more money, this temporary pseudo-prosperity will ultimately crumble.
Thats what Bush and Cheney are saying...
No it isn't. What they're saying is the equivalent of the medieval medical treatment of calling the barber with his razor and leeches to bleed the "evil humours" out of the patient...
“Thats what Bush and Cheney are saying...”
And it’s BS.