LOL,whatever. Entitled to your opinion, if only that was the case. I work full time in admin. Started in Nov. I WORK FOR AN AIR CONDITIONING CONTRACTORS ASSOCIATION HERE IN SOUTH FLORIDA. i have hundreds of contacts for contractors here and I have been working every one. None are hiring, all are laying off or holding steady. If he gets one of the jobs that are,as you say hiring, and he makes a good check, I WOULD do whatever, including quit my job, IF ONE WOULD OFFER HIM A JOB!To date, all those companies have NOT offered him a Job. Those 100 resumes only went to decent sized companies, out of the area after asking about all my contacts here. Man, you must think we are totally stupid. But since you know all about it, maybe YOU could point me to a HVAC company that IS hiring for 1500 per week LOL. LOL.LOL. Even union scale in NJ is 30 per hour for the total package. Pay is only about 24 pr hour.
He has spoken to a couple who are going to try to get him some work part time for now if possible. We used to own our own HVAC business in S. Florida until it collapsed due to NO WORK. My job is the only thing keeping food on the table right now and since prospects are so slim here, I won’t find other work if I quit my “part time job”,
Again, been there done that. a “big timer” just laid him off 6 weeks ago cause they did not get their hoped for contracts in our area. They were sick of paying 100 per DAY for him to travel to Miami and back each day for what work they did have. Don’t tell me the big guys are still hiring here. They have all left our area due to all the commercial boom empty buildings here. I am sure you are entitled to believe as you do, butI am not a whiny troll. Didn’t post what I did to be considered one.I sure don’t need your sympathy, or want it. I have never been late on a bill in 20 years, and I have still managed to stay that way up until now. I have tons of family I will work with, never took govt money, never will, we will rebound and get through it. Was just looking to vent on FR because the people here get it and people whining for handouts are retarded. It must be good to be in a place in your life where attacking those who share your belief system, believe in your value system is a luxury you can afford. Thanks for your prayers for others not so lucky. I hope compassion is something you can receive, for surely you can’t offer it. I again, do not want or need your pity. I come here to be among friends. Good day
Your husband needs to go where the work is. There is still a backlog of post-hurricane rebuilding taking place all along the gulf from Galveston to Mobile and maybe even into Florida panhandle.