All that typing, and you really could have saved time by just admitting that you have absolutely no evidence that Obama was born anywhere except Hawaii.
Let me break it down for you, though...
Paragraph one: You unneccessarily make excuses for your inability to spell correctly and your tendency to ramble on about unrelated garbage.
Paragraph Two: Oh look, unrelated garbage!! Poor arthritic fingers. Of course, you conveniently forget the indisputable fact that he already has proven his eligibility and spending anymore time on this non-issue does a disservice to the country he’s supposed to lead in less than a month.
Paragraph Three: More unrelated garbage, at the beginning (when’d he get convicted of perjury?) “Major forgery... blah, blah, blah...” Who’ve these “forgery aspects” been discovered by? A respected journalist? No. A court? No. Try some kook out to make a name for himself (YES YOU CAN PING POOR OLD POLARNIK TO THAT COMMENT).
I’ll handle the rest of your post in one minute.